Getting it Right with Teens: The Parent's Manual for Surviving Your Teenage Children

ISBN 1-887069-04-6

Getting it Right with Teens:
The Parent's Manual for Surviving Your Teenage Children

Description: 6 inch x 9 inch, 131 pages hardcover

$21.95 retail + S&H 

To purchase, call: 1-817-488-4664
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Hardcover Book: Author Madelyn Swift, M.Ed., is acknowledged as one of the country's premier experts in discipline. This book's purpose is to help parents become better parents of teens, to feel more confident as parents of teens, and to make living with teens easier. This book can make the transition from parent-child relationship to the parent-teen relationship go more smoothly.  We parents are responsible for selecting the process; our teens will be in charge of the outcome.  

All teens want ever-increasing freedom. Teach them the critical links between freedom and trust and freedom and responsibility

Respect their differences, their rights & privileges, their ideas, their space and time.

Slacker parents:  Don't be one!

Learn essential techniques for living and dealing with teens.

To let go is to let grow.

The ideas, tips and stories found in Getting it Right with Teens help us understand our teens but also to deal effectively with them. Just as we cannot protect our children from unhappiness and discomfort, we cannot make these teen years free from the odd bump and rough climb upwards. Think back. It mattered what you wore; it mattered who your friends were; it mattered what you looked like; it mattered how cool you were. Your world was immediately critical, but not immediately forgiving.

Now remember your parents.

Hey, that's you now.

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