Discipline for Life: Getting it Right with Children

ISBN 1-887069-06-2

Discipline for Life: Getting it Right with Children

Description: 6 inch x 9 inch, 285 pages hardcover
TWC 13.5 credit hours for caregivers

$24.95 retail + S&H 

To purchase, call: 1-817-488-4664
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Hardcover Book: Author Madelyn Swift, M.Ed., is acknowledged as one of the country's premier experts in discipline. Providing hundreds of practical, helpful techniques for today's parents and educators, this eye-opening book tackles head-on how we can effectively discipline children and teach them helpful guiding lessons. It gives true-to-life examples for parents of all ages, for caregivers and preschool teachers, and for kindergarten to high school classroom teachers.

Do we reward or bribe a child and inadvertently teach him to guide his behavior with the question,
"What will I get?"

Do we use power and control and teach a child to behave only when someone else makes her?

Will our teenager drive safely only when there is a police car in sight?

Or be able to make self-disciplined decisions?

Will he be motivated?

Madelyn Swift is compelling in her perception that the Law of the Harvest (we reap what we sow) is always operating. The tips, traps, and stories found in Discipline for Life: Getting it Right with Children help us discipline our children today while keeping an eye toward the future. They allow us, as parents and educators, to rediscover our own integrity and dignity as we discipline. This book understands parents and teachers and is filled with warmth and humor. This book changes lives.

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